How to get a jobs is one of the most common questions job seekers ask. Getting that dream job always seems to be a lengthy process and can be stressful but you will need to learn how to cope with this to avoid the job search depression. As a job seeker , it is all about having everything in order, and selling yourself especially in an interview. In this guide , we highlight some things you need to do to get a job.

Highlight your skills and experience.
You have to show off why you are the right candidate for the role. In your CV and cover letter, clearly highlight and focus on the skills and experience you have that make you the suitable candidate anywhere, and in an interview share how you will apply the skills and experience in the particular role you have applied for.
Read: Most Common Interview Questions And Answers
Include most convincing and relevant details in your cover letter.
Before you start writing your cover letter, you need to know what the employer wants. You do not want to simply repeat what is on your CV when you write your cover letter. Make a list of all relevant skills and experience, and make sense of what exactly you want to highlight keeping in mind that space is limited.
Write a good CV
What is a CV? Your CV is a personal marketing document used to sell yourself to prospective employers. Tailor your CV to the job description of the advertised job or the job you are applying for. Your CV should highlight why you’re the best candidate for the job.
Read: What is the best format for a CV?
Prepare for an interview.
Do your homework before an interview. Research the company and its background. Go through the most common interview questions asked by employers. And when responding to question be clear and confident – Confidence any employer will be pleased to see.
Dress for the job you want.
Generally, when you are called for a job interview, you need to dress professionally but be comfortable in what you are wearing. You want to look appropriate and professional. You do not want to dress casually because it sends a wrong impression to the employer.
Show the likable side of you.
Candidates willing to show their personalities are received better by recruiters than candidates who remain closed-lipped during the interview. That is because this interviewer could become your supervisor and he or she would want to make sure you can get along. Share your personality when responding to interview questions and resist the tendency to respond robotically.
Avoid getting too personal in interviews.
Getting too personal in interviews is not advisable. Some things you think are appropriate to share to your employer — like your favourite dish when asked question, “Tell me about yourself” — are actually a turnoff to employers, and in some cases, can cost you the job. You need to practice what to say in the interview.
Don’t ask about money at the start of an interview
Bringing up any salary questions during an initial stage of the interview is not advisable. Why? It is not the appropriate at this stage so save the money talk for the final stage of the interview, in most cases the employer will bring up this question at the end of an interview so, relax.
Be proactive during the interview.
Be confident and proactive during your job interview. You have researched the company’s culture and background, and you are looking for a job that fits you. Therefore, ask questions especially at the final stage of the interviews. If you ask questions, you will show a potential employer that you are both an informed candidate and serious about the job.
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