Zambia NGO WASH Forum
Terms of reference – Consultancy to Review and develop the protection from sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (PSEAH) for the NGO WASH Forum.
The Zambia Non-Governmental Organisation Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Forum known as the NGO WASH Forum is a platform for NGO coordination, harmonisation of policy and practice. Among other things, it sets out to provide a mechanism for effective consultation and a marketplace for information sharing among NGOs as well as other stakeholders on the achievement and challenges faced in the sector.  The WASH Forum is committed to ensuring a safe and respectful working environment for its Secretariat and member organisations. In line with this commitment, the Forum seeks to develop a robust prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (PSEAH) policy to protect its staff, members and the stakeholders that they interact with from harassment and abuse.
The main objective of this consultancy is to engage a consultant is to develop a comprehensive PSEAH policy for the NGO WASH Forum that aligns with the local legislation, international best practices and standards.
Scope of Work
The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
- Reviewing existing PSEAH policies and procedures (both within and outside the WASH sector) to identify best practices and potential areas for improvement.
- Conduct interviews with key stakeholders, including Secretariat staff and member organisations of the NGO WASH Forum to understand their views on PSEAH and their specific needs and concerns.
- Draft a statement specifically prohibiting sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment.
- Drafting a comprehensive PSEAH policy that addresses the specific needs and challenges of the Forum and its stakeholders. The scope of application should cover staff, volunteers, contractors, members, and other associated personnel.
- Developing a set of guidelines for the implementation of the PSEAH policy including reporting mechanisms, and support services for survivors of abuse
- Facilitating consultation with the Secretariat and members of the Forum to gather feedback on the draft policy and ensure buy-in from all stakeholders.
- Finalising the PSEAH policy based on feedback from stakeholders and submitting the final document to the WASH Forum Secretariat.
- Ensure the PSEAH policy is linked to the organisational code of conduct and/other related policies.
- Integrate the PSEAH measures into all areas of the organisation and ensure that safeguarding of vulnerable groups in prioritised.
The Consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs:
- A comprehensive PSEAH policy tailored to the specific needs and context of the NGO WASH Forum
- Guidelines and procedures for the implementation of the PSEAH policy including reporting mechanisms and support services for survivors of abuse.
- A final report documenting the process of developing the PSEAH policy, including a summary of key findings and stakeholder feedback.
The consultancy is expected to be completed within 15 working days with regular check-in meetings with the Secretariat to track progress.
The consultant should possess the following qualifications and experience:
- Extensive experience in developing PSEAH policies for non-governmental organizations or civil society networks.
- In depth knowledge of international best practices and standard related to PSEAH
- Strong communication and facilitation skills with the ability to engage effectively with a diverse range of stakeholders.
How to Apply
All those interested in applying for this consultancy should submit the following should submit the following by 30January 2023 at 17:00hrs to the following email addresses;; or
1.     An expression of interest outlining consultants understanding and interpretation of these Terms of Reference and proposed work schedule.
2.     Financial proposal (Quotation) for this assignment
3.     CVs of the proposed consultant (s) demonstrating proven work experience undertaking similar analysis or consultancies
4.     3 traceable references for similar consultancy work undertaken with clear day time contacts